About Me

Christian Santy is one of those creators whose childhood and early youth took place in Havana, with interests directed towards plastic arts. Linked to artists from different spheres, his juvenile years elapse in an atmosphere marked by creativity, an interest in arts, family and personal closeness to field professionals, as well as frequent visits to exhibitions.

All this allowed him to deepen his knowledge of the practices, secrets, and techniques of design and visual arts –resources which would eventually lead to a recurrence on his pictorial products and, at the same time, served as a foundation for the chance of consolidating a career in this area.

Another path was opened with the opportunity to visit museums and collections from different latitudes. The possibility of knowing, appreciating, and subsequently studying the works of some of the great masters of modernism and postmodernism defined his course, and has outlined important references to his own work. However, this kind of quest –mostly defined by the need of finding a profession– and the requirement to personally understand the expressive substance contained in styles and languages connect with the heartbeat of personal experience, the desire to communicate with his fellow artists (either national or international), and the staging of ideas which would take form in matter –and also virtual– plasticity.

But what is the exact moment that may be considered the beginning of an artist’s work? When and how is a decision reached for this or that piece of work –way beyond its chronological incidence– , which would ultimately define such beginnings, and how is it to be presented? This would be a neuralgic point in any attempt to summarize an author’s work

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Cooming soon